Serving NS, NB, PEI & NFLD
336 Ohio Rd
Nova Scotia
Shelburne county has 124 lakes(125 if you count Cleamons Pond as a lake). They are a very divers group. Some are quite small some are fairly large. Some are easy to access some are very remote. What I enjoy is the waterways connect them. That being said there is something for every paddler out there from a casual afternoon on the water to multi-day trips into some very remote areas where there is plenty to explore. My personal interest are in Photography & Videography as well as some of the history sites located in the Tobeatic. Specifically I am in search for Halfway house and the soldiers rocks which were part of the Annapolis road cut out in 1785. Also there is the search for Boundary Rock. This is where 4 counties meet, the actual spot changes every time that the maps were redraw. The current location is easy to find but it is some of these older locations that is the subject of the search. The pages that follow show the location of all the lakes and the ones that I have paddled so far.
Shelburne County Lakes